For me, the search for and the exploration of new content and styles presupposes a differentiated examination of our own identity, traditions and the reflection on the environment in which we move. This is where the material of my work has developed in recent years and this is where I want to continue to move.
Born in Germany and raised in Switzerland, I studied acting in Berlin at the Max Reinhardt (UDK University of the Arts), followed by engagements at various theatres including Frankfurt a.M., Stuttgart, Düsseldorf, Basel and Zurich. Then I left the city theatre business, learned the Turkish language, translated human rights delegations and worked in various projects and areas. Together with other women I developed a literacy and post-literacy project for women. With people who have a physical and/or psychological handicap, I performed theatre in the Valais Alps and became a mother. For several years I lived and worked in Turkey, the Kurdish areas and in Greece and learned the languages and life. I work in cultural centres and initiated theatre projects in schools, taught German and worked with marble, herding cows and planting gardens. Since 2006 I have been living and working again in Switzerland as an actress, director and lecturer for performance skills and transcultural work.
In 2007 I initiated the intercultural theatre and education project “fremd?!” in Basel ( An intercultural group of singers, dancers and actors came into being and over several years we worked with school classes (simultaneously at 4 different schools) on plays that deal with the reality of their lives and put them on stage in various theatres in Basel and at the Theater Chur.
In 2012, the Volksbühne Basel (a free and independent theatre production association) was founded from this, which in addition to the development of major theatre productions also organises readings, concerts, film screenings and discussion events. I myself wrote and developed several theatre plays and wrote readings by and about various poets and writers.
Some productions have been invited to guest performances and theatre festivals in other Swiss cities, Germany, Northern Iraq, Greece and Jordan.
In addition to my theatre work I have been involved in many countries, in artistic and political areas. I organized and carried out human rights delegations, worked as a translator and built up the “Culture Bridge Kurdistan”. For many years I have been regularly moving around in the Kurdish areas, I have worked at the municipal theatre in Amed (Diyarbakir) and I train refugee adults (among others at the Goethe Institute in Erbil/South Kurdistan/ Northern Iraq), who develop plays with young people in their camps. Also in Greece, in former times also in Turkey and Abkhazia (with artasfoundation and DRC).
2018 Silveraward for the best play and concept, for WOMEN at the 13th liberal theater festival Amman/ Jordan
2017 Scholarship from Landis and Gyr, 6 months in London, in recognition of theatre work
2010 Silberaward best director – Festival Junges Theater Schauspielhaus Zurich
“Don’t pay” Dario Fo directed by Anina Jendreyko
Photographic works and publications
Exhibition 1997 Women in Kurdistan/ Migrant Women in Switzerland
Women on the run – both exhibitions in various cultural centres in the city of Zurich
Exhibition 2002 Stigmes (moments) – Kardiani – Greece
Exhibition 2003 Ellada pou fevgi – (The former Greece) – Tinos
Exhibition 2019 ‘ unforgettable moments’ Kardiani – Cyclades
Since 1993 journalistic work (article and photo) Daily newspapers, magazines in Switzerland and Germany. Contributions in the publications of Institute Art Education Zurich, including Vermittlung zur Zeit
Evaluation on cultural mediation commissioned by pro Helvetia
Newspaper interviews in the BZ, WOZ, SBKV, day week and others
Publications by Integration Basel
Own reports on interculture and event contributions